Steam Top Wishlist

# Game 1D 7D 30D Developer/Publisher
1355. Heart Forth, Alicia -3 -4 -53 Alonso Martin / Alonso Martin
2237. Recall: Empty Wishes -2 -4 -55 Puff Hook Studio / DANGEN Entertainment
2232. Witchmarsh: Tea Party of the Damned -3 -4 -51 Inglenook / Inglenook
2410. Tales of Three Kingdoms: The Mortal World -3 -4 -60 SOFTSTAR Entertainment / SOFTSTAR Entertainment
1144. SCP - Containment Breach -5 -4 -43 Hyperity Studios / Hyperity Studios
1509. Reborn in Sin -2 -4 -63 aphrodisia / Critical Bliss
974. KVLT -4 -4 -43 Evil Guinea Pig / Evil Guinea Pig
1917. Szrot -8 -4 -57 Kontraktor Entertainment Bureau / Kontraktor Entertainment Bureau
1370. Swordcery -2 -4 -50 Temple Door Games / Temple Door Games
1137. Leila -4 -4 -39 Ubik Studios / Ubik Studios, Astrolabe Games
1322. The Peterson Case -7 -4 -60 Quarter Circle Games / Quarter Circle Games
1344. Zodiac Legion -3 -4 -53 Studio Draconis / Studio Draconis
1140. DIGESTED -5 -4 -36 Karl & Karel / Karl & Karel
889. Nuclear Sub -1 -4 -39 Mobilway S.A., Games Incubator / PlayWay S.A., Games Incubator
755. Savior - -4 -37 Starsoft Entertainment / Starsoft Entertainment
1116. Mahou Mating -2 -4 -34 Belgerum / Critical Bliss
1911. Tokyo Underground Killer -8 -4 -46 Phoenix Game Productions / Gone Shootin
649. Beneath - -4 -5 Camel 101 / Camel 101
1486. Bad Boro -4 -4 -53 PseudoZap / PseudoZap
1500. R-Type Tactics I • II Cosmos -1 -4 -32 Granzella Inc. / NIS America, Inc.
2063. BLACK BOX LSS - The Merciful Savior -2 -4 -33 Fif / Fif
1487. Sonzai -3 -4 -52 2 Odd Diodes / Top Hat Studios, Inc.
1865. Annihilated -3 -4 -52 デス組合 / デス組合
1004. SILENT DOOM -3 -4 -53 Bloody Pixel Games / Bloody Pixel Games
1321. Ronin: Samurai Redemption -5 -4 -64 / CreativeForge Games