Steam Most Followed Games

# Game Followers 1D 7D 30D
326. The Crew™ 2 169 079 +14 +47 +276
327. RAID: World War II 168 836 -15 -148 -321
328. Ghost of Tsushima DIRECTOR'S CUT 168 406 +112 +616 +2859
329. Going Medieval 168 234 +9 +11 +281
330. Grand Theft Auto IV: The Complete Edition 168 050 +27 +194 +2093
331. Victoria 3 167 882 +24 +151 +860
332. Verdun 167 781 +6 -21 -119
333. Universe Sandbox 167 744 +25 +225 +742
334. Tiny Glade 165 687 +104 +641 +3032
335. Mortal Kombat 11 165 228 +24 +301 +1280
336. ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN 165 158 +6 +39 +443
337. Portal Knights 164 942 +2 -10 -15
338. Portal Knights 164 942 +2 -10 -15
339. WorldBox - God Simulator 164 710 +37 +269 +1403
340. Prey 164 371 -7 -10 -43
341. Resident Evil 3 164 029 +6 +53 +395
342. Squad 44 163 048 +14 +88 +452
343. GreedFall 162 775 -9 -38 +407
344. Generation Zero® 162 634 -3 -3 -12
345. We Happy Few 162 462 -6 -31 -121
346. Company of Heroes 2 162 161 +6 +74 +456
347. Aimlabs 161 616 +33 +229 +877
348. 嗜血印 Bloody Spell 160 382 +8 +46 +498
349. ATLAS 160 042 -6 -53 -198
350. A Plague Tale: Innocence 159 998 -3 -24 -117