Steam Top Wishlist

# Game 1D 7D 30D Developer/Publisher
1489. TRPG Workshop +2 -39 -77 Starship Studio / Starship Studio
1477. Kingdom of Night -1 -39 -71 Black Seven Studios / DANGEN Entertainment
1837. Ardem -2 -39 -66 Techtive Games / Techtive Games
1464. Train Mechanic Simulator 2025 +1 -39 -67 Atomic Jelly / Atomic Jelly, PlayWay S.A.
1177. Past Fate -2 -39 -66 Icy North Games / Icy North Games
1456. Fading Skies -2 -39 -85 Distant Blue / Distant Blue
1455. REBORN: Survival -2 -39 -83 PixelCat Games / SKIVA Productions
1451. Tiny Tires -2 -39 -74 Jon Kristinsson / Jon Kristinsson
1728. Project D████ -1 -39 -44 Half Mermaid, Sam Barlow / Half Mermaid
1769. WRONGED US -2 -39 -86 Delusional Studio / Delusional Studio
1754. VanLife Simulator -3 -39 -52 CrossBone / CrossBone
2295. Witchmarsh: Tea Party of the Damned -1 -39 -75 Inglenook / Inglenook
2321. GOALS - -39 -51 GOALS AB / GOALS AB
1585. Please Insert Disc -2 -39 -14 Night Signal Entertainment / Night Signal Entertainment
1631. Atre: Dominance Wars +1 -40 +13 Ironward, Virtual Alchemy / Ironward
1157. Dinos Reborn -1 -40 -63 Gaming Factory / Vision Edge Entertainment, Gaming Facotry
1168. Once,in Times of Chaos -2 -40 -70 GREAT FISH INTERACTIVE / GREAT FISH INTERACTIVE
1577. Pool of Madness -1 -40 -30 Bit Golem / Bit Golem
1607. Ecumene Aztec -2 -40 -64 Ecumene Games / Ecumene Games
1405. Death from Unknown: Survival -3 -40 -83 OU Vessent Inc / OU Vessent Inc
1214. Hollow Home - -40 -36 Twigames Inc. / Twigames Inc., Galaktus
2363. Effulgence RPG -3 -40 -463 Andrei Fomin / Andrei Fomin
1379. Automation Station +1 -40 -71 Boxbot Games / Boxbot Games
2065. Matt's Hidden Cats +1 -40 -49 Matt Roszak / Matt Roszak
1901. Barkour +1 -40 -48 VARSAV Game Studios / VARSAV Game Studios