Steam Top Wishlist

# Game 1D 7D 30D Developer/Publisher
1238. Echoes of Yi : Samsara +1 -3 -47 Runmeng / Runmeng
1100. THE SIGNAL - -3 -28 Goose Byte / Goose Byte
1092. WWII Online: Chokepoint -1 -3 -37 Cornered Rat Software / Playnet, Inc.
993. Mossfield Origins +1 -3 -42 Studio Any Percent / Studio Any Percent
995. Street Tuning Evolution - -3 -45 ImageCode / ImageCode
1393. Neo Junk City -1 -3 -18 Starblade Games / Starblade Games
1231. Garden of Witches +1 -3 -12 Team Tapas / Team Tapas
1090. My Work Is Not Yet Done - -3 -43 Sutemi Productions / Raw Fury
1384. Ragnarok V: Returns +1 -3 -40 Gravity Neocyon / GRAVITY
1378. Space Chef +1 -3 -13 Blue Goo Games / Kwalee
1728. Nested Lands - -3 -34 1M Bits Horde / META Publishing
1988. Orbo's Exodus +1 -3 -17 Feverdream Johnny, drurylain / Feverdream Softworks
1717. Outcast Tales +1 -3 -31 Hardlane Studio / CRITICAL REFLEX
983. Chambers +1 -3 -35 Mr. Pink, JFJ / HypeTrain Digital
1388. Elementallis +1 -3 -33 Iván Ruiz Lozano / Top Hat Studios, Inc.
1372. Breeze in the Clouds +1 -3 -30 Stormy Nights Interactive LLC / Humble Games
1978. Type-NOISE: Shonen Shojo +1 -3 -34 DankHearts / DankHearts
986. Ardenfall +1 -3 -18 Spellcast Studios / Spellcast Studios
782. Vigilancer 2099 +1 -3 -39 Envoidant Studios / Envoidant Studios
864. Everdeep Aurora - -3 -23 Nautilus Games / Ysbryd Games
1081. Legends Of Elementia -1 -3 -10 Ahmet Babagil / Ahmet Babagil
871. Dragon Shelter -1 -3 -20 Wild Forest Studio / Wild Forest Studio
898. Kloa - Child of the Forest +1 -3 -37 Wildpad Games / Crytivo
781. Nobody's Left +1 -3 -32 Madrain Studio / Madrain Studio
2114. Murder Miners X +5 -3 -29 JForce Games / JForce Games