Steam Top Wishlist

# Game 1D 7D 30D Developer/Publisher
557. Mixtape - +2 +4 Beethoven and Dinosaur / Annapurna Interactive
558. A.I.L.A - - -2 Pulsatrix Studios / Fireshine Games
559. Grimoire Groves - -2 -18 Stardust / Stardust, Wings
560. Big Boy Boxing - -4 -21 Soupmasters / Soupmasters
561. Bladesong - +1 +16 SUN AND SERPENT creations / Mythwright
562. WindStop Strategy - +3 -5 Xia Start / Xia Start
563. 100 London Cats - -2 -20 100 Cozy Games / 100 Cozy Games
564. Phantom Blade: Executioners - - -17 S-Game / S-Game
565. Projekt: Passion - Season 2 - +2 -3 Classy Lemon / Classy Lemon
566. Skyclimbers - -3 -20 Paratope / Paratope
567. Dreamcore - +6 +2 Montraluz / Tlön Industries
568. EthrA - +13 +17 StoneLab Games / StoneLab Games
571. The Last Exterminator - -1 -18 Ironworks Games / Ironworks Games
572. Ground of Aces - +2 +3 Blindflug Studios AG / Blindflug Studios AG
573. Do Not Buy This Game - -2 -23 Kingblade Games / Kingblade Games
577. GunZ: The Duel - +18 +103 Masangsoft / Masangsoft
578. PROJECT WRAITH - -1 -19 Grassrootz Studio / Team17
579. Commander Quest - +8 +54 Flyway Games, Inc. / Flyway Games, Inc.
580. QubiQuest: Castle Craft - -2 -17 Twin Earth / Astra Logical
581. Nordhold - +1 - StunForge / StunForge, HypeTrain Digital
582. Drowned Lake - -2 -6 Monumental Collab / CRITICAL REFLEX
583. Kindergarten 3 - +6 +4 Con Man Games, Sean Young / SmashGames
584. SkyVerse - +1 -6 Enjoy Studio S.A. / Bohemia Interactive
585. NTR Office - +6 +15 Night-Day-Night-Nine / Mango Party News, Mango Party
586. Winter Burrow - +4 +12 Pine Creek Games / Noodlecake