Steam Top Wishlist

# Game 1D 7D 30D Developer/Publisher
951. Black Finger JET -4 -2 -21 KOHACHI STUDIO, ACQUIRE Corp. / Red Dunes Games
952. Isopod: A Webbed Spin-off +5 +20 +4 Sbug Games / Sbug Games
953. 100 Paris Cats -5 -9 -31 100 Hidden Animals / 100 Cozy Games
954. REPO MAN -5 -13 -38 ACHARA STUDIOS / Games Box
955. Electrokinetic -5 -4 -14 rittzler / rittzler
956. Amerzone - The Explorer's Legacy -5 -3 +12 Microids Studio Paris / Microids
957. Arenus -4 -11 -39 Arvus Games / Arvus Games
958. City Tales - Medieval Era +5 +135 +876 Irregular Shapes / Firesquid
959. Dungeons And Cat -4 -3 -1 CatBellUnion / Mango Party News, Mango Party
960. Sunset Motel -6 -6 -15 Efkey Studios / RockGame S.A.
961. Eclipsium -5 +10 +61 Housefire / Housefire
962. HUNTER×HUNTER NEN×IMPACT -4 +11 +75 Bushiroad Games / Bushiroad Inc., Arc System Works
963. The Explorator -4 -8 -35 Remnant games studio / Remnant games studio
964. ASTROBOTANICA -3 +4 +19 Space Goblin Studio / Space Goblin Studio
965. Gaucho and the Grassland -5 -8 -27 Epopeia Games / Epopeia Games
966. Sexorcism -4 -8 -32 Trek, Hide Games / Hide Games
967. Virtual Cottage 2 -3 +3 +24 DU&I / DU&I
968. Morsels +10 +30 +39 Furcula / Annapurna Interactive
969. Front Edge -4 -3 -12 Cats Who Play / Cats Who Play
970. The Adventures of Kincaid -4 -10 -34 Cookiedraggy, Nullbunny / Cookiedraggy
971. Century of Steam -4 -10 -28 Studio 346, Inc. / Studio 346, Inc.
972. Drug Grower Simulator -4 -13 -41 3Block / 3Block
973. Scriptorium: Master of Manuscripts -4 -11 -27 Yaza Games / Yaza Games
974. DoubleShake -4 -9 -11 Rightstick Studios, LLC / Limited Run Games
975. No Players Online -4 -8 -2 BEESWAX GAMES / BEESWAX GAMES