Steam Top Wishlist

# Game 1D 7D 30D Developer/Publisher
701. Esoteric Ebb - +1 -12 Christoffer Bodegård
702. The Touhou Empires -2 -5 +8 Neetpia / Phoenixx Inc.
703. One Move Away -1 -9 -17 Ramage Games / Playstack
704. Ruffy and the Riverside +4 +46 +114 Zockrates Laboratories UG / Phiphen Games
705. Necrophosis -2 -1 -7 Dragonis Ares, Adonis Brosteanu / Dragonis Games
706. Stormrite -2 -10 -28 Kelechi Apakama / Kelechi Apakama
707. Vampire Syndicate: Gangs of MoonFall -2 -4 -19 A Memory of Eternity / TinyHat Studios, A Memory of Eternity
708. Female Anchor Next Door -2 -1 +27 BananaKing, 18cmSam / Playmeow, ACG creator, Playmeow News
709. Gilded Destiny - -1 -2 Aquila Genesis / Aquila Interactive
710. Tempus Triad -3 +8 +121 Mendesz / Pretty Soon
711. Referee Simulator -1 -5 -9 Goat Gamez / Movie Games S.A.
712. WorldShards +4 +16 +13 L1523kick Games / L1523kick Games
713. TAMASHIKA -1 +6 +1187 quicktequila / quicktequila
714. Escape from Ever After -3 -9 -14 Sleepy Castle Studio / HypeTrain Digital
715. Mistfall Hunter -2 -4 +18 BELLRING GAMES / BELLRING GAMES
716. Tower Wizard +1 +26 +106 Barribob / Barribob
717. Storebound +3 +76 +1183 Embers / Oro Interactive
718. Arisen Force: Vonimir -4 -8 +9 Lemport / Lemport
719. MindsEye +2 +76 +1544 Build A Rocket Boy / IO Interactive Partners A/S
720. Human Farm -5 -11 -25 Asmodev / Gaming Factory
721. Toxic Crusaders -3 -9 -20 Retroware / Retroware
722. Parallel Experiment -3 -8 +9 Eleven Puzzles / Eleven Puzzles
723. Nexomon 3 -1 -3 -4 VEWO Interactive Inc. / VEWO Interactive Inc.
724. ENENRA: DΔEMON CORE - +5 +36 Zahid Ali Jeelani
725. Outrider Mako -2 -8 -22 Asamado Games / PLAYISM