Steam Top Wishlist

# Game 1D 7D 30D Developer/Publisher
626. Haunted House Renovator - -6 -18 Image Power S.A. / Image Power S.A., PlayWay S.A.
627. Little Sim World - +4 -11 BGS Studios / BGS Studios
628. IRONHIVE - -4 +27 Wondernaut Studio / CRITICAL REFLEX
629. Little Fighter 2 Remastered +1 +5 +34 Little Fighter Co Pty Ltd, Marti Wong / Little Fighter Co Pty Ltd
630. ASCENDANT -1 -8 -24 PlayFusion / PlayFusion
631. SAEKO: Giantess Dating Sim - -6 -22 SAFE HAVN STUDIO / HYPER REAL
632. Surviving Deponia - -4 -18 Daedalic Entertainment, AtomicTorch Studio / Daedalic Entertainment
633. The Mosquito Gang - -4 +6 Space Raccoon Game Studio / Space Raccoon Game Studio
634. Islands & Trains - -1 -17 Akos Makovics / Future Friends Games
635. Pirate Commander - +3 +6 A2 Softworks / RockGame S.A.
636. The First Explorers® - -1 - Buchwald Interactive / Buchwald Interactive
637. WILL: Follow The Light - +8 +43 TomorrowHead Studio / TomorrowHead Studio
638. Metal Bringer +4 +36 +32 ALPHAWING Inc. / PLAYISM
639. A Webbing Journey -1 - +37 Fire Totem Games / Future Friends Games, Fire Totem Games
640. Marathon -1 +8 +56 Bungie / Bungie
641. Campus Life -1 -5 -17 GameFormatic S.A. / Frozen Way, Frozen District
642. Kyoryu +1 +7 +40 Floating Rock Studio / Floating Rock Studio
643. Junxions -2 +1 +18 CyberStorm / Hooded Horse
644. DARKEST DAYS +11 +719 +1256 NHN / NHN
645. Beneath -1 -8 +11 Camel 101 / Wired Productions
646. Woodo -1 -5 -4 Tiny Monks Tales / Daedalic Entertainment
647. Latex Tentacles -1 -5 -4 ZXC / Mango Party News, Mango Party
648. Incolatus: Don't Stop, Girlypop! -1 -2 +82 Funny Fintan Softworks / Funny Fintan Softworks
649. Creature Keeper -1 -9 -31 Fervir Games / Graffiti Games
650. Kitsune: The Journey of Adashino -1 +1 +14 Rias, リアス / room6, yokaze