Steam Top Wishlist

# Game 1D 7D 30D Developer/Publisher
1189. Seductive Sister -4 -38 -38 18cmSam, BananaKing / Playmeow, ACG creator, Playmeow News
1267. SCP : Forgotten Facility -8 -38 -67 Noah Knorr / Noah Knorr
775. Wind Runners -7 -38 -53 Ludic Studios / Ludic Studios
1724. Times of Progress -12 -38 -55 Pressing Thumbs Games / Pressing Thumbs Games
1448. Alaska Gold Fever -3 -38 -46 Baked Games / Baked Games S.A., PlayWay S.A.
1670. Remnants of R'lyeh -13 -38 -80 Darktree Game Studio / Darktree Game Studio
1518. Knights & Outlaws -3 -38 -74 HYDRAGON / WIG Publishing
1878. Szrot -13 -38 +20 Kontraktor Entertainment Bureau / Kontraktor Entertainment Bureau
1583. Please Insert Disc -7 -38 +4 Night Signal Entertainment / Night Signal Entertainment
1181. Earthbreakers -5 -38 -69 Petroglyph / Petroglyph
2014. Rancher: A new life - -38 -28 Sim Farm S.A. / Sim Farm S.A., PlayWay S.A.
1850. Octopus City Blues -13 -38 -23 Ghost in a Bottle / Ghost in a Bottle
785. Pirates Republic -8 -38 -54 Golden Hind Games / Toplitz Productions
1136. Dog Trainer -10 -38 -66 Moonlit S.A.
1430. Doctor Simulator -7 -38 -58 President Studio S.A. / President Studio S.A.
1746. SexSeal -10 -38 -56 Lightning Zebra, Hide Games / Hide Games, Playmeow
1157. Star Fetchers : Episode 1 -13 -38 -65 Svavelstickan
1378. The Mighty Eighth VR -5 -38 -55 MicroProse Software / MicroProse Software
1710. Painted In Blood -8 -38 -66 MadCraft / Perp Games
1815. Live Voice Changer -12 -38 -74 /
748. Erenshor -5 -38 -46 Burgee Media / Burgee Media
1198. Petal Runner -7 -38 -58 Nano Park Studios / iam8bit Presents
752. Oriental Immortal -4 -39 -55 大唐汤圆 / Antiidelay
1476. Kingdom of Night -8 -39 -72 Black Seven Studios / DANGEN Entertainment
1446. Kernel Hearts -5 -39 -55 Ephemera Games / Whitethorn Games