Steam Top Wishlist

# Game 1D 7D 30D Developer/Publisher
2321. Other people's fiancee became my woman -6 -14 -69 Hera Games / Hera Games
1820. Astera -3 -14 -59 Dream Primer / Making Fun
2429. SESSIONS -6 -14 -28 Robson Paiva / Robson Paiva
1168. Southfield -5 -14 -46 Radical Forge / Radical Forge
2294. VR Hentai Lesbians SEX -6 -14 -50 日本のVRセックスガーデン / 日本のVRセックスガーデン
1716. Normal Fishing -1 -14 -53 The Bworg / The Bworg
2293. The Chronos Event -6 -14 -52 Superjump Games, LLC / Superjump Games, LLC
1175. Dreamhouse: The Game -3 -14 -43 Podarge Visions / JNK Games
1814. Effigy -2 -14 -52 Nate Berens / Redact Games
2480. Blood Rush -1 -14 -50 MaxEstLa / MaxEstLa
1269. Abyssals -2 -14 -34 OverPowered Team / Shiro Unlimited
1548. Heart Of Muriet -5 -14 -46 Microtale, / Microtale,
1707. The Blue Cat -3 -14 -26 Devcats / Devcats
1151. Siege of Irdor -4 -14 -47 HardCodeWay / Vision Edge Entertainment
785. Burning Lands -2 -14 -39 Zero Hour Interactive / Zero Hour Interactive
1042. Mossfield Origins -4 -14 -54 Studio Any Percent / Studio Any Percent
1708. OTHER: Her Loving Embrace -3 -14 -4 Chimera Labs LLC / Chimera Labs LLC
1350. The Mighty Eighth VR -1 -14 -26 MicroProse Software / MicroProse Software
1535. SOPA - Tale of the Stolen Potato -7 -14 -49 StudioBando / StudioBando
1538. Within the Cosmos -5 -14 -53 debdev / debdev
1802. Nainai’s Recipe -6 -14 -27 Fan Fang, Mai Hou / Fan Fang, Mai Hou
774. Wheel World -1 -14 -20 Messhof / Annapurna Interactive
2259. Medieval Crafter: Blacksmith -6 -14 -40 CubeCube Sports Ltd. / CubeCube Sports Ltd.
1143. Riot Control Simulator -3 -14 -29 Corpix Games / Games Box, PlayWay S.A., Ultimate Games S.A.
1664. THRASHER -1 -14 -57 Puddle / Creature