Steam Top Wishlist

# Game 1D 7D 30D Developer/Publisher
1251. Runeforge -2 -4 -72 Aesli / Aesli
2368. Mictlan: An Ancient Mythical Tale -1 -8 -73 Meta Studios Creative Agency K.K / Meta Studios Creative Agency K.K
2246. Last Chickenburg -1 -10 -73 YerenGames / YerenGames, 加入愿望单
1890. Starfall Protocol +1 -6 -73 Chaos Systematic / Chaos Systematic
1905. Dark Moonlight - -8 -73 Black Rose Projects / Black Rose Projects
1853. Arcadian Rift -1 -10 -73 David R. B. / David R. B.
2445. Mana Valley -2 -9 -73 AIAdev / AIAdev
1237. Survival Journals -1 -6 -73 Elven Workshop / WhisperGames
1904. 4STORY : ORIGIN - -4 -74 Zemi Interactive / Zemi Interactive
2088. Drug Dealer Manager -3 -15 -74 Exiles Studio / Movie Games S.A.
2220. Alight: Lunar Survival -7 -12 -74 Tbjbu2 Originals, NickRaider / Tbjbu2 Originals
2297. Jurassic Architect -4 -17 -74 Yeyuna / Yeyuna
2367. Pizza Bandit -3 -9 -74 JOFSOFT / JOFSOFT
2328. Evolutis: Duality -1 -6 -74 Poke Life Studio / PM Studios, inc.
2382. Red Sails -2 -10 -74 Red Sails Team / Red Sails Team
1867. ANNO RIN -1 -3 -74 ThinkingStars / ThinkingStars
2075. Crawlyard -3 -16 -74 Pigeon Eye Games / Pigeon Eye Games
2483. Malicious Reload +1 -3 -75 UNDER HILL / UNDER HILL
2330. Ignis Universia: Spa of Destiny -1 -5 -75 Random Potion Oy / Random Potion Oy
2481. Nova Era:Atom  -1 -7 -75 广州市星杰网络科技有限公司 / 广州市玩童互动娱乐有限公司
1881. Far North - -8 -75 Legnd / Legnd
2315. Keyboard Sports - Saving QWERTY -4 -8 -75 Triband / Triband
2111. Battledroid -6 -19 -75 Puppygames / Puppygames
2349. The Light of the Darkness: Renascence -1 -12 -75 QUARTOMUNDO / QUARTOMUNDO
1900. Ready for Riot - -5 -75 Baked Games / PlayWay S.A., Baked Games