Steam Top Wishlist

# Game 1D 7D 30D Developer/Publisher
2068. Football Life Simulator +3 +230 -168 Ludu Arts / Ludu Arts
1712. Strange Seed +2 +12 +35 Chronicle Games Ltd / Slug Disco
252. Jurassic Park: Survival +2 +10 +29 Saber Interactive / Saber Interactive
1724. Wagotabi: A Japanese Journey +2 +32 +604 Wagotabi Limited / Wagotabi Limited
244. Knights in Tight Spaces +2 +7 +13 Ground Shatter / Raw Fury
2203. The Knightling +2 +56 +252 Twirlbound / Saber Interactive
1598. UNYIELDER +2 +30 +54 TrueWorld Studios / Shueisha Games
236. MINDWAVE +2 +27 +349 HoloHammer / HoloHammer
58. Low-Budget Repairs +2 +3 +9 Gray2RGB / Gray2RGB
1521. Night Club Simulator +2 +52 +104 Clock Wizard Games / Clock Wizard Games
231. The Censor +2 +3 +14 Big ass studio, Tiramisu / Mango Party News, Mango Party
1459. Silver Pines +2 +18 +44 Wych Elm / Wych Elm
1728. Fast Food - Restaurant Simulator +2 -3 +7 Duality Games / Duality Games
2193. Northwind +2 +81 +42 Barking Kitten Interactive / Barking Kitten Interactive
1361. Nomad Drive +2 +11 +87 Division Bell / Division Bell
109. STEEL HUNTERS +2 +14 +22 Wargaming Group Limited / Wargaming Group Limited
1356. Hotel Architect +2 +33 +41 Pathos Interactive / Wired Productions
1363. Primordialis +2 +1 +81 Kyler Natividad / Kyler Natividad
215. Stage Fright +2 +4 +23 Ghost Town Games Ltd. / Hello Games
1343. Deadly Days: Roadtrip +2 +156 +154 Pixelsplit / INSTINCT3
1302. Locator +2 +22 +1002 Empty Exhibit / Empty Exhibit
1348. Rhythm Quest +2 -1 +24 DDRKirby(ISQ) / DDRKirby(ISQ)
2084. Songs of Life +2 +12 +42 DreamStep / 2P Games
1203. Dungeons of Eternity +2 +10 +109 Othergate / Othergate
1095. Calyx +2 +43 +454 Studio 568 / Studio 568