Steam Top Wishlist

# Game 1D 7D 30D Developer/Publisher
1529. Dome-King Cabbage +1 -2 - Cobysoft Co. / HYPER REAL
1530. Lands of Koastalia +1 -7 -5 Asaloda Games / Asaloda Games
1531. Don't Kill Them All +3 +15 +11 Fika Productions / Fika Productions
1532. Myrmidon +20 +34 +267 Studio Popote / Rubika Supinfogame
1533. Summerhill -1 -5 +7 Land & Sea / Land & Sea
1534. Imperial Grace -1 +5 -21 Synstoria / Abiding Bridge
1535. FIRST +1 -4 +8 Survgames / Survgames
1536. R-Type Tactics I • II Cosmos -1 -12 -41 Granzella Inc. / NIS America, Inc.
1537. Hauntsville +9 +45 +218 Michael Janisch /
1538. PALEOPHAGE -1 -5 -1 LogDev / LogDev
1539. Pizza Slice -1 -14 -43 Quest Craft, Gaming Factory / Gaming Factory
1540. SOPA - Tale of the Stolen Potato -1 -14 -49 StudioBando / StudioBando
1541. Pompeii: The Legacy - +20 +97 Siscia Games / Siscia Games
1542. Zeverland +1 +14 +227 Quantum Quirks / Quantum Quirks
1543. Country Pack - Hearts of Iron IV: Graveyard of Empires +8 +71 +485 Paradox Development Studio / Paradox Interactive
1544. Chrono Gear: Warden of Time +4 +20 +164 Team Chrono Gear, GalaxyTrail / holo Indie
1545. Within the Cosmos -3 -16 -57 debdev / debdev
1546. Wasteland Waste Disposal -2 -16 -52 Kluk Digital / Kluk Digital
1547. Aquapark Tycoon -2 -11 -35 Boxelware / Boxelware
1548. Bridgebourn +1 -13 -47 Bamboo's Bazaar, LLC / Bamboo's Bazaar, LLC
1549. Pool of Madness +1 -7 - Bit Golem / Bit Golem
1550. Rusty Rabbit +17 +113 +116 NITRO PLUS / SoFun
1551. The Inn Between +3 +28 +8 Cats on a Lilypad Studios / Two and a Half Studios
1552. Planet Lust +21 +168 +206 Skullgear / Shady Corner Games
1553. Squeakross: Home Squeak Home +5 -3 -9 Alblune / Alblune