Legends of Ellaria

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Release date: 01 April 2021
Developers: Larkon Studio
Publishers: Larkon Studio
Reviews: 57.14% positive (424/742)
Metacritic: -
Type: game
Description: Legends of Ellaria is a first-person adventure and real-time strategy sandbox game where you build your kingdom, engage in epic battles, and explore a rich fantasy world. As a lord fleeing a dying world, you establish a new realm in Ellaria, a dimensional crossroad. Command armies, engage in action-RPG quests, and shape your destiny in a procedurally generated environment with unique cities and challenges. Embrace your role as king and hero in this expansive, immersive experience.
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Legends of Ellaria
Legends of Ellaria Legends of Ellaria Legends of Ellaria Legends of Ellaria Legends of Ellaria Legends of Ellaria

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