Franchise Wars

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Release date: 15 April 2019
Developers: Jolly Crouton Media Ltd., Tiny Warrior Games
Publishers: Jolly Crouton Media Ltd.
Reviews: 100.00% positive (3/3)
Metacritic: -
Type: game
Description: In the fast-paced, turn-based puzzle strategy game "Franchise Wars," set in the year 20XX, players choose a franchise and engage in quirky battles for fast food supremacy. Control unique units like Fans, Taco Trucks, and T-Shirt Cannons across 26 creatively designed levels, tackling challenges with clever tactics. Experience nostalgic pixel art and music reminiscent of classic GBA games in this humorous and competitive adventure from Jolly Crouton Media and Tiny Warrior Games. Will you achieve sweet victory or congealed defeat?
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